Telephone Calls

Telephone calls have the benefit of immediacy. While the need to be brief works against providing much supporting information, telephone calls are most effective when time is short. The following are some helpful hints when calling an elected official.

  • Ask to speak to the legislator, but don't be surprised if that person is not available.

  • Be sure to speak to the staff person who handles the issue which you are interested in.

  • Identify yourself and state the issue name.

  • Provide the bill number when possible.

  • Leave a brief message for the legislator that articulates your position.

  • Ask the legislator's position on the issue.

  • If you are a resident of the representative's district be sure to let the staff person know. Legislators tend to be more responsive to calls from constituents in their districts.

Telephone calls are also useful to follow up on previous communications. Remember, don't assume a single communication will do the job of getting the legislator's vote.