Membership for Physician Assistants
The Connecticut Orthopaedic Society is pleased to offer an affiliate member category for Physician Assistants specifically involved with orthopaedic practices. Please complete the application form and submit with your dues payment, which includes attendance at the Society’s Annual Meeting. Your application will be reviewed by the COS Board and notification sent to the applicant.
Affiliate Membership Eligibility Requirements and Application
Membership in the Society is a privilege, not a right, which is accorded to a person who meets the qualifications of his or her class of membership.
Affiliate Membership is available to Connecticut licensed, Physician Assistants of Orthopedic Practices.
Affiliate Membership requires application to the Society and annual dues payment of $150.00.
Affiliate Members may attend the Society’s Annual Meeting free of charge with current year dues payment.
Affiliate members are not allowed to vote, hold office or serve on committees with the exception of serving as guests on committees.