Sample Letter
Suggested Form
Paragraph 1: I'm writing to urge you to support/oppose (bill number) (Or I am writing to express my concern about.... (issue)). Immediately identify the subject about which you are writing, and the bill number of the legislation, if you know it. Briefly state your concern.
Paragraph 2: I am a (lifelong) resident of (city or town). It is important to let your state legislator know you are writing as a constituent. Your letter carries more weight if you live, work, or do business in the lawmaker's district.
Paragraph 3 (4,5): I urge you to support/oppose (bill number) because... (or: The reason I'm very concerned about this issue is because..) Clearly and briefly explain your concerns. If you're writing about a specific bill, explain the reasons you support or oppose the bill. Make it real. State facts if you can. Give illustrations. Tell how you, your family, your business, your patients, your community, or your region would be affected. Offer to give more information about the subject and the basis of your views.
Closing: Repeat the outcome you are seeking. I urge you to... (or: I hope I can count on your help to: ) I would appreciate knowing your views on this matter. Thank you for your consideration. Always thank the legislator for his or her help.
How to Address Letters
State Senator
The Honorable (Name)
State Senate
State House
Dear Senator ________:
State Representative
The Honorable (Name)
House of Representatives
State House
Dear Mr. ________ or
Dear Representative ________:
The Honorable (Name)
Governor of (State)
State House
Dear Governor ________:
United States Senator
The Honorable (Name)
United States Senate
Washington, DC 20510
Dear Senator ________:
United States Representative
The Honorable (Name)
U.S. House of Representatives
Washington, DC 20515
Dear Congressman or
or Congresswoman ________:
The President
600 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20500
Dear President ________:
Note: When writing to the Chair of a Committee or the Speaker of the House, it is proper to address them as:
Dear Mr. Chairman or Madam Chairwoman:
or Dear Mr. Speaker or Madam Speaker: